His black belt in Taekwondo definitely comes in handy for his role. All the fist, knives and guns action were executed by him. Also commendable is that there was no stuntman that stood in for the combat scenes. The balance of this multi-faceted character is definitely not easy, but Won Bin did it. One moment you grief with the man who lost his loved ones, the next moment you crease your forehead at his brutality.

You can get so drawn into his acting that you may feel the sheer violence is justified. Is that justified? Certainly! From the initial bizarre look and stare, to later on how he soften his look towards the little girl he wants to protect, to the flashback where it depict his downfall and devastation, to the ruthless and merciless look that was fuelled by hatred and despair when he was in search of the little girl they were all effectively delivered to the audience. With this single role, he has bagged 7 awards. However, this is probably by far the most successful role that he has taken up. Won Bin has made several breakthroughs in his acting career that started back in 1997. How can one forget the other important factor? It's the protagonist.
This alone assures you that the money that you spend on the movie is worthwhile. This, coupled with creative angles and excellent sound effects, you get a movie that is of high production value. Brace yourself for a bloody massacre, but one that is not just of a bloody mess but of mission and gracefulness. This movie has superb fight choreography (underscores superb). Possibly the other main attraction is the film's cinematography. The narrative is definitely not the only attraction to this movie that eventually became the top selling movie in South Korea in the year 2010. Your tension is constantly kept at high, and you will be sometimes treated with some tidbits of laughter.

There was not a single part of the movie that is boring. In terms of the pacing, it was just right and through subtle interactions between Taesik (played by Won Bin) and Somi (played by Kim Sae-ron), they show their high interdependency and chemistry. So when she is taken away, he fights with all his might and wit because he cannot possibly handle the loss of his only beloved friend. However, he finally began to show affection and fondness in the little girl lives down the street it was just like how tin man finally found his heart. " The Man From Nowhere", widely known as "Ajeossi" in South Korea, essentially depicts a man who has withdrawn himself from the society and lost his sense of worth and living due to the lost of his loved ones. The gangsters also drive off with So-Mi and her mother.Cha Tae-Sik must now go after the dangerous mobsters who stole So-Mi.Have you ever thought how lost and distraught one can be following the loss of his/her loved ones? I guess this is a point that is worth pondering over, especially when we are witnessing such a tragedy unfolding in Japan. The gangsters leave the pawn shop, but before they leave they shoot one of their own men dead. He hears on a cellphone young So-Mi’s screaming voice and then gives the gangsters the bag that was brought to him by So-Mi’s mother. In the process they break into Cha Tae-Sik’s pawn shop and holds him up. Cha Tae-Sik is unaware that in the bag is the heroin she stole from the nightclub.In a few days vicious mafia men come looking for So-Mi’s mother knowing she stole the drugs. She pawns off to Cha Tae-Sik a bag with a camera, which he will hold until she pays him back. One day, So-Mi’s mother Hyo-Jeong comes into the pawn shop. So-Mi lives near Cha Tae-Sik’s pawn shop and often comes over when her junkie mother Hyo-Jeong has men over. He associates little with those around him except a young girl named So-Mi (Kim Sae-Ron). Hyo-Jeong (Kim Hyo-Seo), a dancer at the nightclub, walks off with the heroin.Cha Tae-Sik (Won Bin), known only as “ajusshi” in his neighborhood, runs a dilapidated pawn shop in a seedy part of town. While the nightclub employee changes out of his uniform he is tazered from behind. A nightclub employee takes the heroin into the locker room. Undercover police are also in the nightclub waiting to make their move. A heroin deal is set to occur at a nightclub.